Dear Saints and friends,
The Adventist Ushers For Christ Hospitality Ministry is a God given Ministry by His Holy Spirit to be offered to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This Ministry has been and is exclusive to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The overarching belief and objective in setting up this Ministry is in capsule form below:
“Seeing that there is a great work to be done to advance the work of the gospel before the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is expedient that this work be carried forward in a more proficient and effective way. The service of the Seventh-day Adventist Church must be highly regarded for its efficiency, its care and the dignity with which the gospel work is conducted. It is paramount for the Church to utilize and adapt all its available resources to successfully meet with the changing paradigms in order to reach souls for the Master. It is against this backdrop that the establishment of the Adventist Ushers for Christ Hospitality Ministry is being realized.” Extracted from The Adventist Ushers For Christ Hospitality Ministry Constitution and Operational Guidelines 2010″
The ethos of the Ministry is its exclusiveness to us as a people for ministering to our visitors and members alike. The Adventist Church is known for its uniqueness, lets continue to preserve our uniqueness as a people. God has blessed us with several ministries to meet every need. Let God’s name be praised!